Liulin data availability

Title On board of Instrument name and technical data Measures direct Measures calculated Experiment name, PI, CoPI Main Reference Cooperation Avail. data start Avail. data end Number of days Number of data points
1988-1994 MIR space station LIULIN, 1 dosimetry unit (DU) (109x149x40 mm, 0.45 kg); 1 MCU (300x220x187 mm, 6.5 kg) Dose rate, flux D/F ration LIULIN, V. Petrov, IMBP; Ts. Dachev, SRTI (Dachev et al. 1989, Bulgaria, Russia 01/01/1991 31/01/1991 365 1500034
May-August, 2001 ISS, US laboratory module Liulin-E094, 1 CIU (120х80х60 mm, 0.4 kg) 4 MDU (100х64х24 mm, 0.23 kg) Dose rate, flux 256 channels deposited energy spectra D/F ratio Proton/electron dose rate Dosimetric mapping, G. Reitz, DLR, Germany; Ts. Dachev, SRTI (Reitz et al., 2005; Bulgaria, Germany. 05/05/2001 26/08/2001 113 1267200
1-12 June 2005 Foton-M2 satellite R3D-B2, (57x82x24) mm, 0.12 kg) 1 DU outside of the satellite inside ESA, Biopan-5 facility Dose rate, flux 256 channels deposited energy spectra D/F ratio Proton/electron dose rate ESA Biopan-5, G. Horneck, DLR, Germany; D. Häder, UE; Ts. Dachev, SRTI (Häder et al., 2009, ) Bulgaria, Germany 01/06/2005 12/06/2005 12 17280
July 2007-September 2015 ISS Russian segment Liulin-5 1 dosimetric telescope of 3 detectors in or outside the Matroshka-R phantom, 1 electronic block outside the phantom. Inside the Russian segment of ISS. Total weight 0.75 kg Dose rate, flux 512 channels deposited energy spectra in 3 depths, LET spectrum D/F ratio Proton/electron dose rate, LET(H2O) Liulin-5 of Matroshka-R experiment V. Shurshakov, IMBP, Russia; J. Semkova, SRTI (Semkova et al., 2013 Bulgaria, Russia 01/07/2007 09/09/2015 2984
14-26 September 2007 Foton-M3 satellite July 2007-September 2015 ISS Russian segment Liulin-5 1 dosimetric telescope of 3 detectors in or outside the Matroshka-R phantom, 1 electronic block outside the phantom. Inside the Russian segment of ISS. Total weight 0.75 kg Liulin-5 of Matroshka-R expe Dose rate, flux 256 channels deposited energy spectra D/F ratio Proton/electron dose rate ESA Biopan-6, G. Horneck, DLR, Germany; D. Häder, UE; Ts. Dachev, SRTI (Häder et al., 2009, ) Bulgaria, Germany 14/09/2007 26/09/2007 13 18720
17/02/2008- 03/09/2009 ISS, outside Columbus module R3DE, 1 DU (76x76x36 mm, 0.19 kg) Outside of ISS in the ESA EXPOSE-E facility in ESA EuTEF facility Dose rate, flux 256 channels deposited energy spectra D/F ratio Proton/electron dose rate EXPOSE-E, G. Horneck, DLR, Germany; D. Häder, UE; Ts. Dachev, SRTI (Dachev et al., 2012, Bulgaria, Germany
11/03/2009-20/08/2010 ISS, outside Zvezda module R3DR1 DU (76x76x36 mm, 0.19 kg) Outside of ISS in the ESA EXPOSE-R facility outside Zvezda module Dose rate, flux 256 channels deposited energy spectra D/F ratio Proton/electron dose rate EXPOSE-R, G. Horneck, DLR, Germany; D. Häder, UE; Ts. Dachev, SRTI (Dachev, 2013, Bulgaria, Germany 11/03/2009 20/08/2010 283 2540000
19/04/2013- 13.05.2013 “BION-M” №1 satellite RD3-B3, (110х80х44 mm, 0.3 kg) 1 battery operated DU Inside of the “BION-M” №1 Dose rate, flux 256 channels deposited energy spectra D/F ratio Proton/electron dose rate RD3-B3, V. Shurshakov, IMBP, Russia; Ts. Dachev, SRTI (Dachev et al., 2015), 19/04/2013 13/05/2013 24 34391
23/10/2014-11/01/2016 ISS, outside Zvezda module R3DR2 DU (76x76x36 mm, 0.19 kg) Outside of ISS in the ESA EXPOSE-R2 facility outside Zvezda module Dose rate, flux 256 channels deposited energy spectra D/F ratio Proton/electron dose rate EXPOSE-R2, G. Horneck, DLR, Germany; D. Häder, UE; Ts. Dachev, SRTI Letter to the Editor, Dachev et al., 2016, Bulgaria, Germany 23/10/2014 11/01/2016 444 4210500
Major literature sources
  1. Dachev, T.P., J.V. Semkova, B.T. Tomov, Yu.N. Matviichuk, Pl.G. S. Maltchev, R. Koleva, Pl., Dimitrov, N.G. Bankov, V.V., Shurshakov, V.V., Benghin, E.N., Yarmanova, O.A. Ivanova, D.-P. Häder, M.T. Schuster, G. Reitz, G. Horneck, Y. Uchihori, H. Kitamura, O. Ploc,  J. Kubancak, I. Nikolaev, Overview of the Liulin type instruments for space radiation measurement and their scientific results, Life Sciences in Space Research, 4, 92–114, 2015. 
  2. Semkova J., T. Dachev, St. Maltchev, B. Tomov, Yu. Matviichuk, P. Dimitrov, R. Koleva, I. Mitrofanov, A. Malakhov, M. Mokrousov, A. Sanin, M. Litvak, A. Kozyrev, V. Tretyakov, D. Golovin, S. Nikiforov, A. Vostrukhin, F. Fedosov, N. Grebennikova, V. Benghin, V. Shurshakov, Radiation environment investigations during ExoMars missions to Mars: objectives, experiments and instrumentation, Comptes rendus de l'Acaemie bulgare des Sciences, Tome 68, No 4, 2015.
  3. Semkova, J., Koleva, R., Benghin, V., Dachev, T., Matviichuk, Y., Tomov, B., Krastev, K., Maltchev, S., Dimitrov, P., Mitrofanov, I. and Malahov, A., Charged particles radiation measurements with Liulin-MO dosimeter of FREND instrument aboard ExoMars Trace Gas Orbiter during the transit and in high elliptic Mars orbit. Icarus, Volume 303, 15 March 2018, Pages 53-66, 2018.
  4. Mitrofanov I., A. Malakhov, B. Bakhtin, D. Golovin, A. Kozyrev, M. Litvak, M. Mokrousov, A. Sanin, V. Tretyakov, A. Vostrukhin, A. Anikin, L.M. Zelenyi, J. Semkova, S. Malchev, B. Tomov, Y. Matviichuk, P. Dimitrov, R. Koleva, T. Dachev, K. Krastev, V. Shvetsov, G. Timoshenko, Y. Bobrovnitsky, T. Tomilina, V. Benghin, V. Shurshakov, Fine Resolution Epithermal Neutron Detector (FREND) Onboard the ExoMars Trace Gas Orbiter, Space Sci Rev, August 2018, 214:86,
Other literature sources
  1. Atwell W., B. Reddell, T. Dachev, B. Tomov, International space station mobile dosimetry unit: A comparison of flight measurements with model calculations, Journal of aerospace, 113, 350-358, 2004.
  2. Bottollier-Depois J.F., B. Almarcha, S.B. Koslova, T.P. Dachev, J.V. Semkova, Tomov, B.T., Y.N. Matviichuk, R.T. Koleva, P.T. Baynov, L. Lebaron-Jacobs, V.M. Petrov, M. Siegrist, V.V. Shurshakov, E. Duvivier, V. Bengin, Tissue equivalent detector data obtained recently on Mir space station. Comparison with solid state detector data, ASR, (12), 171-174, 1996.
  3. Bottollier-Depois, J.F., V.D.Nguen, L.Lebaron-Jacobs, M.Siegrist, E.Duvivier, B.Almarcha, Ts.P.Dachev, J.V.Semkova, Yu.N.Matviichuk, R.T.Koleva, B.T.Tomov, P.T.Baynov, V.M.Petrov, V.V.Shurshakov, Tissue equivalent detector data obtained recently on MIR space station. Comparison with solid state detector data, Adv. Space Res., 1995.
  4. Dachev, Ts. P., Yu. N. Matviichuk, J. V. Semkova, R. T. Koleva, B. Boichev, P. Baynov, N. A. Kanchev, P. Lakov, Ya. J. Ivanov, P. T. Tomov, V. M. Petrov, V. I. Redko, V. I. Kojarinov, R. Tykva, Space radiation dosimetry with active detections for the scientific program of the second Bulgarian cosmonaut on board the Mir space station, Adv. Space Res., 9, 10, 247-251, 1989.
  5. Dachev, Ts. P., Yu. N. Matviichuk, N. G. Bankov, R. T. Koleva, P. I. Velinov, L. G. Todorieva, J. V. Semkova, V. M. Petrov, V. I. Redko, M. V. Zil, V. G. Mitracas, Modeling of the radiation exposure during the flight of the second Bulgarian cosmonaut on board the Mir space station, Adv. Space Res., 9, 10, 253, 1989.
  6. Dachev, Ts. P., Yu. N. Matviichuk, N. G. Bankov, Ya. J. Ivanov, B. T. Tomov, V. M. Petrov, V. I. Redko, M. V. Zil, V. G. Mitrakas, T. N. Smirnova, V. V. Temny, Yu. N. Ponomarev, R. Tykva, "Mir" Radiation Dosimetry Results during the Solar Flares events in September-October 1989, Adv. Space Res., 12, 2-2, (2)321-4, 1992.
  7. Dachev Ts.P., J.V.Semkova, Yu.N.Matviichuk, R.T. Koleva, B.T. Tomov, P.T. Baynov, J.F. Bottollier- Depois, V.D. Nguen, L. Lebaron-Jacobs, M. Siegrist, E. Duvivier, B. Almarcha, V.M. Petrov, V.V. Shurshakov, New results for the space radiation environment of MIR space station obtained by Liulin dosimeter¬radiometer.  Comparison with LET spectrometer NAUSICAA, Acta Astronautica, vol.36 ,Nos 8-12, pp 505-515, 1995.
  8. Dachev, Ts., J. Semkova, V. Petrov, V. Redko, V. Bengin, T. Kostereva, J. Miller, L. Heilbronn, C. Zeitlin, Analysis of the pre -flight and post-flight calibration procedures performed on the LIULIN space radiation dosimeter, Acta Astronautica, 42, 375-387, 1998.
  9. Dachev Ts.P., J.V.Semkova, Yu.N.Matviichuk,  B.T. Tomov, R.T. Koleva,, P.T. Baynov, V.M. Petrov, V.V. Shurshakov, Yu. Ivanov, Inner Magnetosphere Variations after Solar Proton Events. Observations on Mir Space Station In 1989-1994 Time Period, Adv. Space Reas., 22, No 4, 521-526, 1998. Imp. fact. 0.706. DFS; 10 citations
  10. Dachev, Ts.P. B.T. Tomov, Yu.N. Matviichuk, R.T. Koleva, J.V. Semkova, V.M. Petrov, V.V. Benghin, Yu.V. Ivanov, V.A. Shurshakov, J. Lemaire, Detailed Study of the SPE and their Effects on the Dose Rate and Flux Distribution Observed by LIULIN Insrtument on MIR Space Station, Radiation measurements, 30 (3), pp. 317-325, 1999.
  11. Dachev, Ts.P. B.T. Tomov, Yu.N. Matviichuk, R.T. Koleva, J.V. Semkova, V.M. Petrov, V.V. Benghin, Yu.V. Ivanov, V.A. Shurshakov, J. Lemaire, Solar Cycle Variations ff MIR Radiation Environment as Observed by the LIULIN Dosimeter, Radiation Measurements, 30 (3), pp. 269-274, 1999.
  12. Dachev, Ts., B. Tomov, Yu. Matviichuk, Pl. Dimitrov, J. Lemaire, Gh. Gregoire, M. Cyamukungu, H. Schmitz, K. Fujitaka, Y. Uchihori, H. Kitamura, G. Reitz, R. Beaujean, V. Petrov, V. Shurshakov, V. Benghin, F. Spurny, Calibration Results Obtained With Liulin-4 Type Dosimeters, Adv. Space Res., V 30, No 4, 917-925, 2002.
  13. Dachev, Ts.P., E.G. Stassinopoulos, B.T. Tomov, Pl.G. Dimitrov, Yu.N. Matviichuk, V.A. Shurshakov, V.M. Petrov, Analysis of the Cyclotron Facility Calibration and Aircraft Results Obtained by LIULIN-3M Instrument, Adv. Space Res., vol. 32, No 1, pp. 67-71, 2003.  doi:10.1016/S0273-1177(03)90372-3
  14. Dachev, T.P., F. Spurny, G. Reitz, B.T. Tomov, P.G. Dimitrov and Y.N. Matviichuk, Simultaneous investigation of galactic cosmic rays on aircrafts and on International Space Station, Advances in Space Research, Volume 36, Issue 9, Pages 1665-1670, 2005. doi:10.1016/j.asr.2005.05.073
  15. Dachev, T., Atwell, W. Semones, E.; Tomov, B., Reddell, B. ISS Observations of SAA radiation distribution by Liulin-E094 instrument on ISS, Adv. Space Res., 37, 1672-1677, 2006.
  16. Dachev, Ts.P., B.T. Tomov, Yu.N. Matviichuk, P.G. Dimitrov, N.G. Bankov, Relativistic Electrons High Doses at International Space Station and Foton M2/M3 Satellites, Adv. Space Res., 44, 1433-1440, 2009.
  17. Dachev, Ts.P., Characterization of near Earth radiation environment by Liulin type instruments, Adv. Space Res., 44, 1441-1449, 2009.
  18. Dachev, Ts. P., B. T. Tomov, Yu.N. Matviichuk, Pl .G. Dimitrov, F. Spurny, Monitoring Lunar radiation environment: RADOM instrument on Chandrayaan-1, Current Science, 96, 4, 544-546, 2009. ISSN: 0011-3891, 2009. Imp. fact. 0.58.
  19. Dachev, Ts.P., G. De Angelis, J. Semkova, B.T. Tomov, Yu.N. Matviichuk, Pl.G. Dimitrov, N.G. Bankov,,G. Reitz, G. Horneck, D.-P. Häder, Further analysis of the space shuttle effects on the ISS SAA doses, paper IAC-11,A1,4,2,x9918, IAC-2011 Congress, 2011.
  20. Dachev, Ts.P., B.T. Tomov, Yu.N. Matviichuk, Pl.G. Dimitrov, N.G. Bankov,,G. Reitz, G. Horneck, D.-P. Häder, M. Lebert, M. Schuster, Relativistic Electron Fluxes and Dose Rate Variations during April-May 2010 Geomagnetic Disturbances in the R3DR Data on ISS, Adv. Space Res., 50, 282–292, 2012., Ts. P., B. T. Tomov, Yu.N. Matviichuk, Pl .G. Dimitrov, Vadawale, S. V., J. N. Goswami, V. Girish, G. de Angelis, An overview of RADOM results for Earth and Moon Radiation Environment on Chandrayyan-1 Satellite, Adv. Space Res., 48, 5, 779-791, 2011. 
  21. Dachev, T.P., J. Semkova, B. Tomov, Yu. Matviichuk, Pl. Dimitrov, R. Koleva, St. Malchev, G. Reitz, G. Horneck, G. De Angelis, D.-P. Häder, V. Petrov, V. Shurshakov, V. Benghin, I. Chernykh, S. Drobyshev, N. G. Bankov, Space Shuttle drops down the SAA doses on ISS, Adv. Space Res., 47, 2030-2038 2011.  
  22. Dachev, Ts. P., B. T. Tomov, Yu.N. Matviichuk, Pl.G. Dimitrov, F. Spurny, O. Ploc, K. Brabkova, I. Jadrnickova, Liulin type spectrometry-dosimetry instruments, Radiat Prot Dosimetry, 144 (1-4), 675-679, 2011. 
  23. Dachev, Ts. P., F. Spurny, O. Ploc, Characterization of radiation environment by Liulin type spectrometers, Radiat Prot Dosimetry, 144 (1-4), 680-683, 2011.  
  24. Dachev, Ts., G. Horneck, D.-P. Häder, M. Lebert, P. Richter, M. Schuster, R. Demets, Time profile of cosmic radiation exposure during the EXPOSE-E mission: the R3D instrument, Journal of Astrobiology, 12, 5, 403-411, 2012.
  25. Dachev Ts., Analysis of the space radiation doses obtained simultaneously at 2 different locations outside ISS, Adv. Space Res., 52, 1902-1910, 2013 
  26. Dachev, Ts.P., Analysis of the Space Radiation Doses in the Extra Vehicular Environment of the International Space Station (ISS), Space Weather Effects on Humans: in Space and on Earth, Proceedings of the International Conference, ISBN 978-5-9903101-2-4, Volume 1, 223-248, Space Research Institute, Moscow, Russia, 2013.
  27. Dachev, Ts.P., B.T. Tomov, Yu.N. Matviichuk, Pl.G. Dimitrov, N.G. Bankov, G. Reitz, G. Horneck, D.-P. Häder, M. Lebert, M. Schuster, Relativistic Electron Fluxes and Dose Rate Variations Observed on the International Space Station, J. Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, 99, 150-156, 2013.
  28. Dachev, T.P., Profile of the ionizing radiation exposure between the Earth surface and free space, Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, 102, September 2013, 148–156, 2013, 1.596
  29. Dachev, T.P., B.T. Tomov, Yu.N. Matviichuk, Pl.G. Dimitrov, NG. Bankov, V. V. Shurshakov, O.A. Ivanova, D.-P. Häder, M.T. Schuster, G. Reitz, G. Horneck, “BION-M” №1 spacecraft radiation environment as observed by the RD3-B3 radiometer-dosimeter in April-May 2013, Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics. 123, 82-91, 2015.
  30. Dachev, Ts., G. Horneck, D.-P. Häder, M. Schuster, and M. Lebert, EXPOSE-R cosmic radiation time profile, Journal of Astrobilogy, 14, 17-25, 2015. 
  31. Dachev, T.P., B. T. Tomov, Yu. N. Matviichuk, Pl. G. Dimitrov, N.G. Bankov, High dose rates obtained outside ISS in June 2015 during SEP event, Life Sciences in Space Research, LSSR_2015_11 (2016). available online at
  32. Letter to the Editor T. P. Dachev; N. G. Bankov; G. Horneck; D.-P. Häder, Radiation Protection Dosimetry 2016; 
  33. Damasso M., Dachev Ts., Falzetta G., Giardi M.T., Rea G., Zanini A., The radiation environment observed by Liulin-Photo and R3D-B3 spectrum-dosimeters inside and outside Foton-M3 spacecraft, Radiation Measurements, V. 44, N0 3, 263-272, 2009. doi:10.1016/j.radmeas.2009.03.007
  34. Häder, D.-P., and T.P. Dachev, Measurement of solar and cosmic radiation during spaceflight, Kluwer Press, Surveys in Geophysics, 24, 229-246, 2003.;jsessionid=4k8arpj0ei4c8.victoria
  35. Häder, D.P., P. Richter, M. Schuster, Ts. Dachev, B. Tomov, Pl. Georgiev, Yu. Matviichuk, R3D-B2 - Measurement of ionizing and solar radiation in open space in the BIOPAN 5 facility outside the FOTON M2 satellite, Adv. Space Res. Volume 43, Issue 8, Pages 1200-1211, 2009. doi:10.1016/j.asr.2009.01.021
  36. Jadrnickova, I., F. Spurny, O. Ploc; Ts. Dachev, Upgrading of Some Instrumentation Devoted to Increase Space Radiation Environment Understanding, Special Issue: Bhardwaj ea AOGS 2007, Planetary and Space Science, Volume 56, Issue 13, November, Pages 1753-1757, 2008.
  37. Lee, J., U.-W. Nam, J. Pyo, S. Kim, Y.-J. Kwon, J. Lee, I. Park, M.-H. Y. Kim, and T. P. Dachev (2015), Short-term variation of cosmic radiation measured by aircraft under constant flight conditions, Space Weather, 13,  .
  38. Lobakov, A.P., V.I. Liagushin, M.P. Panasiuk, P.I. Shavrin, V.S. Kchomutov, V.M. Petrov, V.A. Shurshakov, T.P. Dachev, J.V. Semkova, Increase of solar cosmic rays on the "MIR" Space station in orbit during September-October 1989, Nucl. Tracks Radiation Measurements, 20, 1, 59, 1992. -Imp. fact. 0,76 3 citations
  39. Makhmutov, V. S., G. A. Bazilevskaya, A. A. Lazarj, V. A. Shurshakov, Yu. A. Ivanov and Ts. Dachev, D0.3-0050 the precipitation of energetic electrons into the Earth's atmosphere in 1994: Interplanetary and geomagnetic conditions, Advances in Space Research, Volume 23, Issue 10, Advances in Space Research, Page 1794, 1999. (doi:10.1016/S0273-1177(99)90166-7)
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  42. Petrov, M.V., V.S. Machmutov, N.A. Panova, V.A.  Shurshakov, Ts.P. Dachev, Ju.N. Matviichuk, J.V. Semkova, Peculiarities of the Solar Proton Events of October 19, 1989 and March 23, 1991 According to the Measurements On Board the MIR Space Station, Adv.  Space Res., V 14, No.10, 645-650, 1994. Imp. fact. 0.706; 2 citations
  43. Ploc, O., F. Spurny, Ts.P. Dachev, Use of Energy Depositing Spectrometer for Individual Monitoring of Aircrew, Radiat Prot Dosimetry, 144 (1-4), 611-614, 2011.    
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  45. Reitz, G. R. Beaujean, E. Benton, S. Burmeister, Ts. Dachev, S. Deme, M. Luszik-Bhadra, and P. Olko, Space radiation measurements on-board ISS—the DOSMAP experiment, Radiat Prot Dosimetry, 116, 374-379, 2005.
  46. Schuster, M., Ts. Dachev, P. Richter, D.-P. Häder, M. Lebert, R3DE, Radiation risk radiometer-dosimeter On the international space station (ISS) – radiation data recorded during 18 month of EXPOSE-E exposure to open space climate, Journal of Astrobilogy, 12, 5, 393-402, 2012.
  47. Semkova, J., Ts. Dachev, Yu. Matviichuk, R. Koleva, B. Tomov, P. Bajnov, V. Petrov, V. Nguyen, M. Siegrist, J. Chene, C. d'Uston, F. Cotin, Dosimetric investigation on MARS-96 missions, Adv. Space Res., V 14, No.10, 707-710, 1994.
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  49. Semkova, J., R. Koleva, S. Maltchev, N. Kanchev, V. Benghin, et al., Radiation measurements inside a human phantom aboard the international space station using Liulin-5 charged particle telescope. Adv. Space Res., 45 (7), 858–865, 2010,
  50. Semkova, J., and R. Koleva. Overview on the radiation quantities observed by Liulin-5 instrument in a Human Phantom on international space station during the minimum of 23rd solar cycle. Compt. Rend. Acad. Bulg. Sci., 63 (10), 1533–1542, 2010.
  51. Semkova, J., R. Koleva, St. Maltchev, N. Bankov, V. Benghin, I. Chernykh, V. Shurshakov, V. Petrov, S. Drobyshev, and I. Nikolaev. Depth dose measurements with the Liulin-5 experiment inside the spherical phantom of the Matroshka-R project onboard the international space station. Adv. Space Res., 49, 471–478, 2012, .
  52. Semkova, J., R. Koleva, S. Maltchev, N. Bankov, V. Benghin, I. Chernykh, V. Shurshakov, and V. Petrov. Radiation characteristics in the spherical tissue-equivalent phantom on the ISS during solar activity minimum according the data from Liulin-5 experiment. J. Atmos. Sol. Terr. Phys., 99, 157–163, 2013a,
  53. Semkova, J., R. Koleva, N. Bankov, St. Malchev, and V.M. Petrov. Study of radiation conditions onboard the International space station by means of the Liulin-5 dosimeter. Cosmic Res., 51 (2), 124–132, 2013b, , .
  54. Shurshakov, V.A. V.M. Petrov, N.A. Panova, Yu.V. Ivanov, V.S. Makhmutov, Ts. Dachev, J. Semkova, Experimental investigations of quasistable radiation belts formed after solar proton events in September-October 1989 and March 1991 based on measurements made by Liulin dosimeter-radiometer on board the MIR space station, Advances in Space Research 18 (12) pp. (12)251-(12)257, 1996.
  55. Shurshakov, V.A., V.M. Petrov, Panova N.A.  and Ivanov Yu.V., V.S.  Makhmutov, Ts.  Dachev, J.  Semkova, Experimental investigations of quasistable radiation belts formed after solar proton events in September-October 1989 AND March 1991 based on measurements made by "LIULIN" dosimeter-radiometer on board the "MIR" space station, Adv. Space Res., 1995.
  56. Shurshakov, V.A., V.M. Petrov, Makhmutov, and Tz.P. Dachev, New radiation belt dynamics according to measurements made by "LIULIN" dosimeter-radiometer on board the "MIR" space station in 1991, Radiation Measurements. 26, No 3, 379, 1996.
  57. Shurshakov, V.A., S.L. Huston, Ts.P. Dachev, V.M. Petrov, Yu.V. Ivanov, J.V. Semkova,.Direct comparison of transient radiation belt topology and dynamics in 1991 based on measurements onboard Mir Space Station and NOAA Satellite, Adv. Space Res., vol. 22, No 4, pp. 527-  531, 1998.
  58. Shurshakov, V. A., V. M. Petrov, YuV Ivanov, V. A. Bondarenko, V. V. Tzetlin, V. S. Makhmutov, Ts.P. Dachev and J. V. Semkova, Solar particle events observed on MIR station, Radiation Measurements, Volume 30, Issue 3, 317-325, 1999. 
  59. Slaba, T.C., S.R. Blatting, F.F. Badavi, N.N. Stoffle, R.D. Rutledge, K.T. Lee, E.N. Zappe, T.P. Dachev and B.T. Tomov, Statistical Validation of HZETRN as a Function of Vertical Cutoff Rigidity using ISS Measurements, Adv. Space Res., 47, 600-610, 2011. 
  60. Smart, D.F., M.A. Shea, Ts.P. Dachev, N.G. Bankov, V.M. Petrov, V.V. Bengin, The Dose Rate Observed on 19-21 October 1989 and its Modulation by Geophysical Effects, Adv.  Space Res., V 14, No.10, (10) 651-654, 1994. 10.1016/0273-1177(94)90521-5 
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